Sunday, August 31, 2008


Welp, my movie review!


TDK obviously refers to Le Dark Knight. Great show, I'd say. I like how dark it was (duh!), especially all the scenes with joker dealing with the mobsters. I will say the pencil scene is the best. It showed off joker's insanity and wit. Also a very original scene (joke?). Only part I disliked was the last part with the people in the ships. I felt that it was too good an outlook of human's nature. Call me cynical, but in real life, it would be more like the old Wild West duels.
3, 2, 1, DRAW, and both ships explode.

"Principally I hate and detest that animal called man; although I heartily love John, Peter, Thomas, and so forth." - Jonathan Swift

KR is the lesser, in fact almost unknown, Kallang Roar, the movie. It was ... different to watch a movie with only 3 people in the cinema. It was a good show, interesting story and decent acting. I just felt the soccer scenes weren't done good enough, but to their credit, it is a difficult thing to show. Still, I have seen worse films than this, so kudos to the director (and crew).

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