Saturday, February 16, 2008

3 words and counting...

Homework, homework, homework galore! So many homework these days. Heh, and shirlee/kh think poly/jc life is tough? Nonsense I say, holiday life is the toughest! But...but you aren't even schooling, you say. Well sure, but thanks to my wonderful friends who are determined to improve my english, I now have 2 english assignments! The first, which I am completing now, involves an essay of 500 words. =) Yes, that was meant to be in a sarcastic AND sardonic tone. Hehe.

And that was 467 characters!

Okay, fine 80 words.

Well, + 7 more.

+2 more now.

+2 more again.

And again. >.<

Hm, I guess we can keep adding 2 words ad infinitum. Thus, I have actually written an infinite number of words. Except I didn't have time to write them all. Darn. Well, at least I tried. So you have to write an infinite number of words + 1 now. HAH!

Well, that was an additional 72 words. My warped logic and mindless ramblings aside, I have nothing else to that about. Okay, let me talk about the past week then.

Friday! - went to watch Kungfu Dunk. Nice show, funny, um, well it was enjoyable all in all.

Thursday - stayed home.

Wednesday - went out, bought stuff, went to beach, enjoyed the view, went home.

Tuesday - stayed home.

Monday - bought shoes, played pool.

Sunday - stayed home.

Saturday - stayed home.

Hm, that was fast. And short. >.<

1313 characters!

Oh right, I missed today. Went out, played pool terribly. >.<

Ah well, I will contiune later. Maybe.

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